Understanding Spravato: A New Horizon in Depression Treatment

Treatment resistant depression

Resistant Depression, often termed as Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD), refers to a major depressive disorder that does not respond adequately to at least two different antidepressant treatments of adequate dose and duration in the current depressive episode. Essentially, it’s when depressive symptoms persist despite therapeutic intervention.

spravato: a novel treatment option for depression

Spravato, with the active ingredient esketamine, is a nasal spray approved for use in conjunction with an oral antidepressant for the treatment of Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD). Esketamine is a derivative of the drug ketamine, which has been used for decades in anesthesia.

Patients: Spravato is specifically designed for those patients who haven’t found adequate relief from their depressive symptoms despite trying multiple antidepressant treatments.

Mode of Administration:
Unlike traditional oral medications, Spravato is administered as a nasal spray, offering a unique method of delivery.

Supervised Use: Due to the nature of the drug and its potential side effects, Spravato is taken under medical supervision in a certified treatment center, ensuring patient safety.

Rapid Results: One of Spravato’s notable benefits is its ability to provide relief faster than many other antidepressant medications, which can be vital for individuals in acute distress.

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esketamine and ketamine are closely related, both chemically and in their uses, but there are distinct differences between the two. here’s a comparison:

1. Molecular Structure:
* Ketamine: Ketamine is a chiral compound, meaning it has two enantiomers (mirror-image molecules). These enantiomers are esketamine (S-ketamine) and arketamine (R-ketamine).
* Esketamine:  Esketamine is just one of the two enantiomers of ketamine, specifically the S-enantiomer.

2. Medical Uses: 
* Ketamine: Traditionally used as an anesthetic in both human and veterinary medicine, ketamine has more recently been explored and used off-label for the treatment of depression, chronic pain, and certain other conditions.
* Esketamine: While it has some of the same effects as ketamine, its FDA-approved use under the brand name Spravato is specifically for treatment-resistant depression and for major depressive disorder in adults with acute suicidal ideation or behavior, always in combination with an oral antidepressant.

3. Formulation & Administration:
* Ketamine: Typically given as an intravenous infusion in clinical settings for depression, but it’s also available in other forms for its anesthetic uses.
* Esketamine: FDA-approved as a nasal spray (Spravato) for specific depressive conditions.

4. Regulation and Approval:
* Ketamine: Approved by the FDA as an anesthetic and has been used off-label for depression. Some clinics provide IV ketamine infusions specifically for the treatment of depression.
* Esketamine: Specifically approved by the FDA for certain depressive conditions under the brand name Spravato.

spravato patient video:

Spravato helped her treatment -resistant depression. Now, she’s resuming her education and sharing her story. 

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